
You can contact us by sending an e-mail by our formmailer.

field of activities

Therewith you get the correct impression of us, we give you a short overview of our services. 


Since 2008: SDH and DWDM solutions from Opvista Inc. and ZTE, installed at one of the biggest Cable Provider in Germany.

  • Second-Line phone support 24x7
  • Faultanalyses
  • On-site service
  • installation, configuration and provisioning
  • delivery of spare parts on next business day, in special cases also within 24 h

Since 2010: Network- incl. server-/applicationsupport and remote-access for a lawyer's office in Berlin.

  • First-Line phone support 8x5
  • Faultanalyses
  • On-site service
  • Installation, configuration and provisioning

Since 2011: Implementation und operating of WLAN outdoor Hotspots in several German cities

  • Design, incl. MESH
  • Configuration, implementation and operating, incl. appropriation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
  • Operation of WLAN-Controllern, Authentificationserver and Webserver for landingpages
  • on-site service